Interestingly, three of the four titles depicted are new editions of older games. Not sure what that says about the market or the quality of submissions AMIGO is seeing. Perhaps nothing because I can imagine that thanks to Covid-related restrictions regarding public gatherings in 2020 and 2021, a company might have decided to return a proven game to market rather than futz around with Tabletop Simulator. This theory might be all wrong, of course, but it came to mind anyway.
• The headliner in this batch is probably Bohnanza 25 Jahre-Edition, the 25th anniversary edition of Uwe Rosenberg's card game Bohnanza, which I've already covered in this September 2021 post. To repeat what I wrote there:
• Ghosts is a Reiner Knizia card game for 2-6 players that debuted in 2005 as Im siebten Himmel (In Seventh Heaven) before being released in 2007 as Spirits!, then Capt'n Sharky: Piraten-Rauferei, then Ghosts. Gameplay seems like a mash-up between UNO and Knizia's Poison, which also debuted in 2005:
Whoever has the fewest ghost markers at the end of three rounds wins.