
Mine Deeper (2019)

Be the first to find all 5 red gems!

Rank: 20053
2 Players
15 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Jonathan Lee

Artist: Ottol

Publisher: Korea Boardgames Co., Ltd.

In Mine Deeper players become miners competing with each other to find the 5 precious gems first. The game is played with a 3D wall piece placed between the players, with each player facing one side of the wall.

At the start of the game each sets up their side of the wall which is comprised of a 5x5 grid of boxes with 4 different type of stones: gems, black stones, yellow stones and blanks. Goal of the game is to find the 5 gems of the other player. In a turn a player pushes one box of the wall until the stone on the other side of the wall falls down.
Blanks don't give any information of how the wall of the other player might look like. However, yellows tell you that there is 1 gem adjacent and blacks tell you that 2 gems are adjacent to it.

The player who finds the 5 gems of the other player first is the winner of the round. Winner of the game is the player who wins three rounds first.

—description from the publisher

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