
MindTrap (1991)

Attempt to solve brain-bending riddles as you put your logic skills to the test.

Rank: 23316
2-16 Players
60 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 1.96/5

Two teams try to solve logical riddles and moves on a board (which actually is a paper from a block with a "racing track"). Each time team comes up with the right solution they may move one step and demand another question or throw a die (0-3) and let the turn continue to the other team.

A sequel to the game is MindTrap II.

406 MindTrap cards
1 playing board
2 moving pieces
2 sets of plastic sticks
(18 each)
2 sets of tangram shapes
(7 each)
1 cardholder
1 die

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