
Milestones (2012)

Carefully develop your own network of goods, trade, and colonization materials.

Rank: 3601
2-4 Players
60 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 2.60/5

Game description from the publisher:

The settlement of the country is the work of the players in their role as noble builders in Milestones!

In this game, players work together to build roads, create marketplaces, and erect houses. With each milestone set along the way, they move further into the country.

But while they build together, when it comes to procuring construction materials, money, and grain each player is on their own. Thus, you must carefully develop your own network of goods, trade and colonization materials and optimize its use cleverly. Whoever also develops a keen sense of timing can grab the most valuable building sites and in the end win out.

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