
Meuterer! (1994)

Rank: --
4 Players
30 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Meuterer! is a game about a rivalry between pirates on a ship. The players try to jostle other players shipmates into the water by playing different actions for the different fights. The Game Board consists of a framed picture (in another edition it's a video casette safer).

Players are either loyal or engaged in a mutiny. Depending on which side they are on they try to conquer different parts of the ship. By placing seamen in the first three round the players build some kind of basic position for the next game phase werde initiative cards are used to determine who is allowed to conduct the next (randomly determined) action.

With the randomly drawn action cards the players either can put in more seamen, gain gold or canonballs, move seamen, reshuffle the deck, engage in predetermined combat, garrison a seaman, replace seamen (because of the "ship's kobold") or engagen in a combat in a chosen location.

Aim of the combat is to jostle as much seamen from other players to gain sovereignty over the different parts of the ship on the gameboard.

After drawing the "reshuffle card" for three times the game ends and the score is settled. Control over the different parts of the ship is awarded different points.

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