
MechWar '77: Tactical Armored Combat in the 1970's (1975)

Wargame simulation of tactical armored combat in the 1970's.

Rank: 11346
2 Players
270 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 3.19/5

Mech War '77 is a simulation of tactical combat in West Germany and Asia during the 1970's. The game is played by scenario. Eight scenarios revolve around a hypothetical Soviet-American clash in West Germany. One scenario is drawn from the Yom Kippur War. The tenth scenario pictures a Sino-Soviet clash.

Scale: Each hex represents 200 meters from side to side.
Time: Each Game-Turn represent one to six minutes of elapsed time.
Counters: 400

Uses the same rules system (but with additional "modern" elements) as Panzer '44: Tactical Armored Combat, Europe, 1944-45

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