
Mascletà (2017)

Rank: 19593
1-7 Players
5-15 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Mascletas are a tradition from the city of Valencia, Spain, where the city pyrotechnics organise the most complex and daring fireworks displays.

The deck of cards is divided in Petardos (BOOM!), Carcasas (PAMM) and Salidas (FIUUU), besides of the special cards. The pyrotechnic (one of the players) shuffles the cards and puts them on the table. In turns, the players will turn the cards on the table to reveal the Petardo, Carcasas o Salidas. Every time a card is turned up, the player will say the sounds corresponding to the illustration on the card and repeat the sound of all the cards that have been turned up previously. When a player mistakes the sound or doesn’t remember the sequence they lose a life. The player who lost the life starts the next round. (Note: players can’t use fingers to count).

The winner will be the player who has more lifes when one of the other players loses all of their lifes. In case of a draw, it would be a mascletà to break the draw.

There are some special cards.

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