
MaGCK: The Matrix Game Construction Kit (2017)

Rank: --
3-7 Players
120-360 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Rex Brynen, Thomas Fisher, Tom Mouat

Artist: Thomas Fisher

Publisher: PAXSims

MaGCK contains everything needed to play and design Engle "matrix games" — free-form narrative games that encourage player discussion. The kit includes rules, hundreds of customizable tokens and stickers, disks (to mark status or conditions), isomorphic map tiles, various tracking mats (phases, turns, time, die roll modifiers), dice, and links to additional online resources. MaGCK also contains rules and briefing materials for two games: ISIS CRISIS (a conflict simulation of contemporary Iraq) and A RECKONING OF VULTURES (coup-plotting and political skullduggery in the fictional Republic of Matrixia). Matrix games are already used within the national security and foreign policy communities for training and analysis. With MaGCK the user can develop their own games on a wide range of topics, whether for professional use or hobby gaming.

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