
Mag-O-Mag (2017)

Rank: 17900
2-4 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Mag-O-Mag features an innovative vertical holder with interchangeable game boards and magnetic game pieces that allows you to play three fun, action-packed games. The games are played in teams, playing one at a time. One teammate must move the guide magnet on the backside of the game board, while the other teammate sees the game magnet move on the front of the board. This teammate must communicate with the one controlling the magnet and tell them how to move the magnet to complete the game challenge without the magnet falling off or going to the wrong spot.

  • In the racing game, the object is speed: Which team can complete the course fastest — while making sure you don’t crash!
  • In the golf game, the object is precision: How many strokes does the team need to take to reach the hole? Traps await everywhere!
  • In the treasure hunt game, players must collect as many gems as possible in a given time. Who can amass the most valuable treasure?

Mag-O-Mag includes cooperative game variations and special rules for two-player games.

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