
Luxantis (2018)

Rank: 16411
2-4 Players
20-30 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Artist: Stephanie Böhm

Publisher: HABA

Shadow creatures are setting off to capture Luxantis Castle. They can be stopped only with the help of enchanted objects from the magic light forest labyrinth.

In Die Legenden der Irrlichter, the players need to light up the labyrinth and must remember well the arrangement of the lights, since only the spaces that light up blue are safe. Cooperatively, the players reach an agreement in a plan to search for the objects and try to avoid the risky red ghost lights. Each round of the game can take an unexpected turn due to the interactive LED game board and unpredictable die roll. Players need to collect the magic objects in order to vanquish the shadow creatures.

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