
Longstreet (2013)

Rank: 13019
2 Players
120-180 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.89/5

Longstreet is a miniatures wargame, depicting battles of the American Civil War. The game is based on the earlier games of the Honour series, which are Lasalle (Napoleonics) and Maurice (Horse and Musket), but there are differences. Like those two games, Longstreet also handles rather small forces of about a brigade a side.

The game tries to capture the feel of ACW battles by depicting the peculiarities of terrain that the battle was fought in and the characteristics of the troops used in a simple way. There is a strong emphasis on the roles of the different troop types (infantry, cavalry, and artillery). The other focus is on fatigue, as troops slowly (or not so slowly...) whither away in battle. There is a scenario generator and the game should be played using it or the Grand Campaign, which is easy to do.

There are guidelines for using the rules with different scales of miniatures, so everything from 6mm to 28mm can be used.

The game is influenced by action cards, and the fire phases and command choices of each player are partly decided and influenced by playing these action cards from that players deck. Each player has their own deck of action cards that they use during the game.

There is a free Lite version on the publishers homepage and a commercial full version, that can be bought. Those interested can try the free Lite version before deciding to take the plunge.

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