
La Fallera Calavera (2014)

Find five ingredients to cook a paella and calm a valencian zombie!

Rank: 5539
2-5 Players
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.81/5

Designer: Enric Aguilar Almodóvar

Artist: Esther Mendez

Publisher: Zombi Paella

After dying in a fireworks exhibition due to lack of security, a young Fallera -a girl dressed in traditional valencian costume- comes to life as a zombie. She feels furious and wants revenge. Therefore, she awakens dozens of traditional valencian characters, now turned into zombies. There is only one solution to save humanity from the apocalypse: to find five ingredients to cook a tasty paella that calms the rage of the fallera.

A unique game based on a 100 cards deck. Players (2 to 5) must find 5 ingredient cards to win the game. Ingredients, as well as other kind of treasures, can be stolen by other players. They can use battle cards to fight and achieve other's possessions, comparing attack and defense points of the two cards in the battle. Bluffing is also a must, as the player who is attacked can't see the character that is using his opponent. Players may also use very different kind of special cards not only to strengthen their soldiers, but to fiercely punish their competitors.

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