
La bataille de Jemmapes (2015)

Rank: 14802
1-2 Players
120-180 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.25/5

La bataille de Jemmapes: les Soldats de la République Volume I covers the battle fought on 6th November 1792 between a French army led by General Dumouriez, and an Austrian army under the command of the Duke of Sachsen-Teschen.

This battle, that occurred two months after the battle of Valmy, was one of the most important victories of the French army during the French Revolution and forced the Austrians to evacuate Belgium. Nonetheless, they came back in March 1793 after a defeat of Dumouriez's army at Neerwinden.

This game, published by Vae Victis n°122, is the first game of the series "les Soldats de la République” ("Soldiers of the Republic"), that will cover the main battles fought during the French Revolution.

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