Simulation of man-to-man combat on the Eastern Front in World War II.
Designer: Mark Sprock
Publisher: 3W (World Wide Wargames)
Iron Cross is a man-to-man wargame covering infantry battles, on a tactical level, between German and Soviet forces in Russia during 1941-42. The game was first published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #132.
The game has been called "the poor man's Squad Leader", but does a great job simulating small unit tactics in the six provided scenarios.
Game Scale:
Turn: 2 minutes
Map: 10 meters
Unit: Individual man, weapon, vehicle
Game Contents:
One 22 x 34" map (designed to be hand cut to give three 12 x 18" maps)
One countersheet (200 1/2" counters)
One 20 page rulebook