
Hyves Ranking Game (2010)

Rank: 20287
2-8 Players
45 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Daan Kreek

Publisher: Nova Carta BV

Hyves was the biggest social network website in The Netherlands with around 10 million accounts at its peak.

In this social board game it is all about one thing; how good do your friends know you and how good do you know your friends? During the game the players roll the die to see which subject card they will have to play. In turns a player puts the 5 options of a subject card in the order that fits this player's personality best while the other players try to predict which order the first player puts down. For each correct answer a player receives points which will be noted by the pawn on the playing board and on the special score card on which also other important information can be found (like which player is the 'most open book').

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