
Hoppladi Hopplada! (2008)

Rank: 5482
2-7 Players
20 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.25/5

Designer: Markus Kropf

Artist: Doris Matthäus

Publisher: 999 Games, Zoch Verlag

Released at Essen 2008. Players roll 7 custom dice which show rabbits (points), sheds (multipliers) and carrots. They may keep dice for scoring and continue rolling the rest until they decide to stop and take the points or roll no rabbits and bust out. If a player can use all 7 dice for scoring he may keep re-rolling the rabbits for even more points. The next player, instead of starting over with all 7 dice, can decide to continue where the last player left off, with a higher risk of busting out but also a higher possible reward. The game ends when a player reaches the point limit.

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