Designer: Robert Booth
Publisher: (Self-Published), Magic Circle Games
You and your gang pulled off the perfect heist. Now all you have to do is sit tight and wait for the right time to escape, grab the stolen goods and meet up with your colleagues. But then again, if they were all caught by the authorities you wouldn't have to split it so many ways...
You must rid yourself of all incriminating evidence while making sure everyone else has evidence against them. You play cards to get rid of evidence tokens and to force the other players to take evidence tokens, but timing is important. If you pick an action someone else has, you will not get an action that turn, so pick wisely.
Once an action card of yours is played, it stays in your discard until you are "out" (you and one or more other players chose the same action card). When "out" for the round you can pick up all your spent cards.