Designer: Martin H. Samuel
Artist: Martin H. Samuel
Publisher: (Self-Published), Ducosim, Games Above Board, Great American Trading Company, Sterling Games
Hijara ... 2-player abstract strategy board game of concentration – using placement of small stones, strategy and points accumulation.
Game play: start with an empty board, end with a full board and the player who accrues the most points is the winner.
The three ways to score points:
4 numbers of a kind in a row - horizontally, vertically, diagonally scores 10 points.
4 numbers in sequence in a row - horizontally, vertically, diagonally scores 15 points.
4 numbers in a square scores 20 points.
Two additional optional ways to score points:
4 numbers of a kind in the 4 corner squares scores 10 points.
4 numbers in sequence in the 4 corner squares scores 15 points.
You snooze, you lose - as overlooked points are forfeited.
A singular game for two with only one rule - i.e. numbered squares may be filled in any order however, stones must be placed on the square [being filled] in numerical sequence of that square.