
Heartthrob (1988)

Three cute guys want your attention. Who will you choose?

Rank: 9828
2-6 Players
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Milton Bradley

(From the back of the box)
On looks alone pick your "heartthrob" from three photo cards. Then guess which guys your friends will pick. If you're correct, you could win this dreamy dating game.

You could fall in love at first sight! But be careful! Personality cards will reveal more about the guys. Some of what you learn makes them more appealing, but other things are a real turn-off. You must decide if looks or personality are more important.

Bet you didn't realize that Johnny cracks his knuckles and bites his fingernails. Could you tell that Brad still sleeps with a Teddy Bear? And what about Greg! Did you know he eats bugs to gross out girls?

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