
Heart Attack (2004)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
60 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Table Top Games, Inc.

From the publisher's website: (www.heartattackgame.com)

"The board game, "HEART ATTACK,®" has been designed to serve two purposes. First, it will provide you with many hours of fun as you try to outlive your opponents by keeping yourself as healthy as possible. You will begin the game as most people begin life; with a clean bill of health. Staying healthy and risk free won't always be so easy. As the game progresses, as in life, risk factors will increase. Some are predictable, some are not. Some are good for you, some are not. You may end up in the hospital, possibly more than once. Perhaps an operation will be necessary and you may find yourself in the operating room. If successful, you continue the game. If not, you'll find yourself in the I.C.U. Many twists and turns await all the players. In any event, you'll find yourself having loads of fun as you attempt to remain healthy. Secondly, it is intended to educate all players about many of the risk factors associated with heart disease and heart attacks in an attempt to help everyone minimize their risks for having these problems. It is our belief that learning is much more effective when it's fun. Although the information presented about heart disease and heart attacks is valuable information for everyone, this game is not intended to provide medical advice to anyone. Any person who believes they are at risk for these problems, should consult a doctor for specific and individualized treatment and advice."

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