
Go/Stop (2005)

Rank: 14590
2-6 Players
10 Min
Age: 9+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Go/Stop is a quick game that you try to obtain the highest point card (1-10). Everyone start with the set of identical cards (5 go cards and 1 stop card). For every point card flipped from the deck, everyone bids for it simultaneously face down. (Go=you don't want the card. Stop=you want that card) Then goes to the next point card. After 5 turns, the point is resolved. If only one person bid stop. The game is over and we resolve all the other point cards. If none or 2 or more stops, they cancel each other and everyone takes that card back. And keep going until there is only one left. Quick and gives new twist for Raj type game.

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