
Googly Eyes (2008)

Rank: 22671
4-12 Players
45 Min
Age: 9+
Complexity: 1.25/5

A pair of extra large wacky glasses, 3 sets of removable lenses and some challenge cards is all you need for a night full of hilarious eye goggling fun. Move around the board as you win challenges, throwing dice to decide the difficulty of the action.


A party game in which players have to draw while wearing glasses that distort what they see.

The game is played in teams. The goal is to be the first team to reach the finish space on the board. The board shows a track consisting of green, yellow and blue spaces. The active team rolls a colour die and moves their pawn to the next space of the corresponding colours. A member of that team inserts the glasses of the same colour (different amounts of distortion) and rolls the die again to select which of the three words from the card he/she has to draw. He/she then tries to draw, wearing the glasses, so that his/her teammates manage to guess the word within the amount of time specified by the timer. If the team is successful, they roll the die again and move their pawn to the next space of that colour. If the time runs out before they have guessed correctly, the team's pawn stays where it is.

The team who reaches the finish space first wins the game

GOOGLY EYES is the hilarious family game that challenges your vision and leaves you googling for more! Put on the zany, vision-altering google eye glasses and start to draw while your team tries to guess what you're drawing. Is that an igloo or a turtle? A birthday cake or a fortress? Players take turns drawing and guessing, so everyone gets a chance to wear the glasses. The glasses come with three sets of lenses that range from mild changes to mind-blowing fun, so no one can see (or draw) straight--your vision will bounce off of the lenses. Googly Eyes is a fun twist on classic drawing games that lets players of different ages and skill levels compete on equal terms, since the goggles make it fun and challenging for everyone. Unlike any other drawing game you don't need to be an artist, and the rules are simple. Just roll the die and move--the space you land on tells you which color lenses to use (easy, medium, or hard). Then pick a card, set the timer, and start drawing. If your team guesses correctly you get to roll and move again; if not, then you stay where you are on the board. The first team to reach Finish wins.

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