
Giro Galoppo (2006)

Race your horses, stepping on opponents in the way. But watch out for obstacles!

Rank: 4265
2-5 Players
30 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.19/5

Giro Galoppo is a horse racing game driven by cards for players 6 years and up. Its mechanic is similar to "Ave Caesar". First, players take turns placing obstacles (jumps). All players receive an identical set of card with values 1-6. Each turn the players simultaneously select one of their cards and show it. The player with the lowest value (and for ties, farther back), moves first. If your horse and rider land on another player's figure, you displace them backward. If your figure's movement would land you on an obstacle, you lose your turn. First & farthest across the finish line wins.

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