
Game of the Generals (1972)

Out-bluff and out-flank the opposing general with your hidden forces!

Rank: --
2-3 Players
30-120 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Game of the Generals is an educational war game released in the Philippines in the 1970s. Its Filipino name is Salpakan. It is designed for two players, each controlling an army, and a neutral arbiter (sometimes called a referee or an adjutant) to decide the results of "challenges" between opposing playing pieces that like playing cards have their identities hidden from the opponent.

The game simulates armies at war trying to overpower, misinform, outflank, outmaneuver, and destroy each other. It optimizes the use of logic, memory, and spatial skills. It simulates the "fog of war" because the identities of the opposing pieces are hidden from each player and can only be guessed at by their location, movements, or from the results of challenges. The game allows only one side's plan to succeed, although a player may change plans during the course of the game. In addition, there are two different ways of winning the game. Certain strategies and tactics, however, allow both sides the chance of securing a better idea of the other's plan as the game progresses. Players can also speak or gesture to their opponents during matches, hoping to create a false impression about the identity of their pieces or their overall strategy.

--Information collected in July 2020 from Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_the_Generals

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