
Foxy (1977)

Rank: 18544
2 Players
10 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.33/5

An early abstract 2 player game from Alex Randolph, players move a pipe of chips across the board, which fall into the available spaces. The board is a plastic table with 6x6 depressions, but the 4 corners are blocked so there are only 32 playing spaces. One player seeds the board with 11 grey discs.

Then each player fills a plastic tube with wooden discs, one with blue, the other with yellow discs. One player starts in the corner and moves the tube. If it goes over an empty space, the disc falls and occupies the place. The other player can choose to then take this tube, or start with the other, so removing the starting advantage. The players then continue to move their tubes around, until one gets 11 discs down for the win. The tubes can be moved orthogonally or diagonally any distance, but not jump or turn corners.

Reportedly a good abstract game and a clever physical mechanism.

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