
For King or Parliament? (1990)

Rank: --
2-8 Players
180 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: --

Strategic Campaign of The English Civil Wars. Includes Historical and Hypothetical scenarios.

Game designed to be playable and fun and concentrates on the strategic elements of the war. Some tactical elements do come into play with differences between Pike, Musketeers, Dragoons,Forts, and Navies. Another aspect to the game is the Scottish dimension and trying to keep Scotland in the war.

Included with the game are secret order cards, either General Direction cards, or, Orders to the Armies.Once played, players are committed to a certain move or order thereby adding to the Fog of War.

The game comes in `Kit` form which means some preparation is required.(Cutting counters and adding 10 sided dice ).All counters are Regiments of Pike,Musket,Horse, etc
Players recruit armies from either an historical or free set up.Army Commanders are then deployed to units (5 per Royalist and Parliament).Orders are then issued secretly to armies stacked only with Commanders from a pool of movement tokens ( i.e North, South, West, East, South East, North West, etc).
Movement is up to 3 areas for Foot, 4 for Horse, and 1 for Guns. Players then roll a die to reveal who has the turn initiative and players then reveal their orders and move units checking for possible contacts with the enemy. If contact is made with the enemy, tactic cards come into play, each side either playing, Search,Hold, or Evade and rolling a 10 sided die for the outcome, which may still lead to armies not engaging in battle. If battles do occur, then they are resolved using 10 sided dice and cross checking a percentage number for units engaged (Pike,Musket,Dragoons,Horse,Guns,Siege,Ships) on a Fire and Melee table. An example of Pike on Melee is 60%, so if 3 Pike regiments were involved in a battle on either side, 3 10 sided dice would be rolled and would hit on a roll of 1-6.
These rolls can be adjusted by terrain the defender holds, and the Commanders used, who gain battle experience the further the game goes on. Most Commanders start at experience level
0 or 1.Both The King and Cromwell start at 0 experience.
The game is played in weekly turns and starts from Jan 1642 and lasts till September 1650 (a possible 36 turns ).Players may also recruit further armies during recruiting phases in
1643, 1646, and 1649.

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