
Fightin' an' Drinkin' an' Stealin'!

Rank: --
2 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Evan Shultz

Publisher: (Web published)

After reading The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, it became obvious that Stonehenge was an ancient sporting arena built by clans of Scot-like fey trapped in our world. As I looked at the board, I began to wonder just what these sporting events might have looked like. I believe I've captured the strategy and excitement of those ancient contests, without quite so much mess.

Number of players: 2

Object of the game: You control a clan of kilt-wearing fair-folk at the Umpteenth Occasional Games, trying to earn awards in three events: Fightin', Drinkin', and Stealin'. The clan that gets the most awards not counting their best event wins! (You didn't really win if you got all the Killing Monsters awards but lost in Quaffing, Thieving, Not Passing Out, and Not Getting Clobbered).

Equipment: Fightin' an' Drinkin' an' Stealin'! uses the deck (divided into three decks), the board, all of the little colored disks, and all six of the figures.

Ending the Game

Once the seventh and final round is over, each player discards all the awards of whichever color he or she has the most of (remember that each Wee Lawyer a player has halves the value of his or her awards in that color). If two or more of a player's colors are tied, that player picks one to discard. The player with the most awards left after discarding his or her best color, wins.

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