
Ex illis (2009)

Rank: 16737
2 Players
60 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 3.44/5

Designer: Bastion

Publisher: (Self-Published), Chinchilla Games

Ex illis is a miniature wargame set in a pseudo-historic fantasy world populated by the historic figures from the 13th century, while also incorporating mythological and biblical figures from medieval Europe. Angels, demons, witches, faeries and imps fight alongside different human factions for the dominance over Europe — or to strengthen the evil grip of the Infernal army.

The first edition of Ex illis, released in 2009, featured high-quality plastic miniatures with which players would pit armies of 60 to 100 warriors against one another in epic combat, but instead of using traditional wargame components such as dice and rulers to resolve battles, the game instead used software for an iPod touch, Mac, PC or laptop, allowing the publisher to embed rules in the software instead of requiring players to consult or memorize rulebooks.

The second edition of Ex illis, scheduled for publication in 2014, does away with the software to allow players to compete wherever they like, while also being compatible with the components and figures of the game's first edition.

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