Simulation of the English Civil War battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642.
English Civil War battle, designed to be played like a "miniatures" game. Components consist of: an 11-inches by 17-inches Mapsheet; 118 THIN die-cut counters; Order of Battle Sheet; 2-page Rules; Fire & Melee Tables; & a Rules(errata) Supplement. Players must provide their own DICE-looks to mean at least 6--6-sided type needed(it depends on the ODDS).
The mapsheet is overall TAN with BLUE & GRAY print. There are Clear, Rough, Brush, Town, Road, & River hexes plus the TURN Record Track is printed on the game map. The game counters are THIN RED, & YELLOW with ORANGE stripes while representing King Charles, Essex, Baggage, Dragoons, Cavalry, Artillery, Pikemen, & Musketmen. Use a blank for the Turn Record Track as the Game lasts 8 turns.
The unique aspect of MELEE Combat resolution is that it occurs in the SAME hex & BOTH players roll dice. NO matter how many dice are rolled by either player, ONLY the Highest die is chosen for comparison. There are also MUSKET and Artillery FIRE/Reload Rate Tables, which takes place at a distance including adjacent.