
Dipole (2007)

Outwit your opponent's pieces off the board before they eliminate all of yours!

Rank: 18472
2 Players
30 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.88/5

Dipole, played with a Checkers set, begins with two stacks of checkers: a stack of 12 white checkers in White's nearest row, and likewise for Black. A stack, or a portion of a stack, is moved a distance equal to the number of checkers in the moved stack. So a three-stack, for example, can be moved a distance of three squares. Non-capturing moves must be made forward or diagonally forward. Capturing moves can be made in any of eight directions. A stack can capture only equal size or smaller stacks.

To win, all of your opponent's checkers must be removed from the board.

Draws cannot occur in Dipole.


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