A children's game that uses the Toystick (http://www.toystick.de/), an electronic device that has to be acquired separately and can be used with a variety of books and games. When used with a compatible book or game, the stick reads texts or plays music.
"Die Schatzkammer von El Mirador" is the first game for the Toystick. The players are adventurers searching for treasures in the legendary cave of El Mirador. They have to avoid hidden traps, and whoever collects the most treasures wins the game.
The Toystick functions as a random movement generator that tells the players how many spaces they can move on the board. It also tells them when they have hit one of the hidden traps, which ends the current player's turn. The board has special spaces for treasure markers. If a player reaches a treasure space with a suitable treasure (as marked on one of the treasure maps), they earn that treasure. Another element in the game is the guardian, which the players move to one of the guardian spaces when they've collected a treasure. All player tokens in that segment of the board are returned to the pyramid in the center of the board. Equipment chits can be used to escape from traps or the guardian, to exchange the position of treasures etc.
The game ends when one player has collected the required number of treasures (6 or 8).