
Dice of Arkham (2012)

Rank: 17665
1 Player
20 Min
Age: --
Complexity: 2.20/5

Designer: Mads L. Brynnum

Publisher: Initiativet

Evil cultists are trying to summon a creature that will, as is often the case in these kinds of stories, destroy the world as we know it. You have to stop them by finding the seals that will prevent the ritual and bind the creature before they find the keys that bring it forth.

Every turn you roll and reroll dice Yahtzee style to generate the resouces needed to find the seals and to battle the evil that tries to stop you. The goal is to gather enough investigation to find the three seals before the time runs out or you’re killed or driven insane. But you have to be careful. Not only do you also roll mythos dice each turn which will send deranged cultists and eldritch monsters against you, every roll of your own dice can also cost your dearly.

Dice of Arkham is a solitaire game that is free to print and play. All you need is a print of the game sheet, eight normal dice, and eight small tokens or beads and you're ready to save the world.

The game was made for the 2012 solitaire PnP contest.

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