
Der kleine Medicus (2007)

Rank: --
2-5 Players
45 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Artist: Björn Pertoft, Summerer Thiele

Publisher: KOSMOS

The players are hunting the evil robot Gobbot (played by another player) with four mini submarines within the human body. Goal is to catch the robot while spending as little energy as possible. Rules suggest that each players gets to play as the robot once, and then the scores are added.

Each turn, the players first choose an action card. There are cards which cost a different amount of energy (victory points); they cause the evil player to give more or less precise information about his current hiding place. Another type of card leads to some dexterity/sports contest between the evil and one of the good players; if good wins, they can make a guess where the robot is now.

After this, the players move their submarines; but they are restricted in the paths they may use.
Then the robot moves; he may use all paths, but can never return to a place he was before, which limits his moves as the game progresses.

Game ends with a victory of good when the players reach the robot, when the robot has no legal move left, or when the players guess right after winning a dexterity challenge. The robot player wins if he survives until the action card deck is exhausted after 16 turns.

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