
Deaths of Athazar (2017)

Rank: --
2-5 Players
5-10 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Publisher: (Self-Published)

On the dunes of Athazar, assassination attempts are abound, corrupted deals are made, spells are cast and fights break out as players try to position themselves for a win. You play a royal sheikh who sends whatever is at your disposal to kill off those who have come to kill you. Send warriors to protect you from sorcerers; use assassins to kill off renegades; make crooked deals with merchants in the bazaar; take prudent advice from wisemen; beat up sailors who came to rob you of your wares; and much more.

Be the first to kill off all the cards in your hand in this fast-paced, fantasy card game for 2-4 players.

—description from the publisher

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