
DeathBot Derby (2017)

Rank: 11983
2-4 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 13+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Designer: Zachary Connelly

Artist: James Groeling

Publisher: Royal N. Games

Long ago, disgruntled fans mourned the cancelation of their favorite robot fighting T.V. show, and took to the underground. Void of caution or regard for public safety, contenders began to build incredible machines of destruction and pit them against each other in one on one death matches. And so was born...
The DeathBot Derby!

In DeathBot Derby players build their bots using a quick card drafting mechanism and then face off in an ever changing arena. They will have to strategically move and attack their opponent to gain the tactical advantage. The winning DeathBot goes home a champion, and the loser goes back to the scrap heap they came from.

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