
De Cao-Bang à Kaboul (2005)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
120 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 0.00/5

(from Histoire & Collections webpage:)

en français:
De Cao-Bang à Kaboul, ou DCK, est une règle d’escarmouche moderne qui vous permettra de rejouer tous les engagements militaires à petite échelle depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale jusqu’à nos jours.

(BGG user translation and description:)

In English :
De Cao-Bang à Kaboul (or DCK) - from Cao-Bang to Kabul - is a modern skirmish rule which will allow you to replay all small scale military engagements from the end of the WWII to our days.

The players take each one a group of infantry and command squads which can have vehicle support (some 10 miniatures each in the smallest scenarios).

The objectives of the game are decided by the same players or can be used those from the scenarios which came with the rulebook
The game uses a classic I go, you go turn sequence which have 4 sub-phases for each player:
a) rally
b) localization of the enemy
c) movement or fire
d) melee.
There is also an advance rules section to add optional elements to the main rules.


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