Designer: Doris Alker, Gunter Strüwen
Publisher: Ökotopia
Rough translation from the box:
A boardgame with cooperation and competition for 3 to 6 players from 12 years
Short description:
How can I get from Start to Finish most quickly? Should I pollute and soil the environment in order to reach the finish quickly with the money I raked in? But wait! Whoever makes use of industry earns money but at the same time pollutes the environment and blocks the path for everybody. Should I therefore set myself up to defend the environment by founding citizens' initiatives with others? Or should I establish nature preserves? How can I best reach the Finish? Each player will choose one of the following options: to reach the Finish quickly choosing pollution over environmental protection, or to reach the Finish less quickly but more environmentally. Each game group can choose for each game to pursue personal or group strategy.
Colorful game board
6 charts for ecomoney
6 pawns
Cardboard chits