Designer: Johann Ferdinand Opiz
Publisher: Hendel
Das Opiz'sche Kriegsspiel is a wargame about napolenoic warfare.
Even though the rules were printed in 1806, according to the designer, the game was invented in 1760.
Unlike other wargames or war-themed games at this time, which were dominated by chess or chess-like mechanics, the Opiz Wargame tries to increase the simulation value by introducing random elements, through dice rolls for conducting combat etc.
In the Opiz Wargame one unit represents a battalion of infantry, cavalry, artillery and other strategic units. Each unit has different strengths and weaknesses.
It is played on a map or board of 48 x 48 squares, depicting different kind of terrain like towns, mountains, woods, waters and fortresses.
One square represents an area of about 170 m².