Das magische Museum is a co-operative game from the "smart play" series. It is played using an App.
After their dog Fluffy ran into the magic museum and destroyed a glass cabinet, players are trappped in there. To get out they have to find the samples Fluffy has hidden behind other exhibits, get Fluffy and find Rexy's bone.
Every round consists of a planning phase followed by an action resolution phase. The planning is done simultaneously with a time limit. Players can choose between different actions such as gathering information about the museum or Fluffy's whereabouts, moving to another room of the museum, or searching for the hidden objects or keys. Most actions can be chosen multiple times, also by the same player, but the overall number of actions is limited depending on the number of players.
In the action resolution phase players then take the planned actions. The App controls all steps and announces whose turn it is and what to do.
But beware not to be too loud - sometimes someone awakes and they have to run using keys they found.
They all win if they manage to fulfill their tasks before the time is up.