
Das Froschwanderspiel (1992)

The players move as frogs over danger spots into a pond that threatens to dry up.

Rank: --
2-4 Players
-- Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: --

Designer: Karin Rübel

Artist: Karin Rübel

Publisher: Ökotopia

The frogs (pawns) migrate from their winter quarters to the spawning water, but the pond is in danger of drying up. The players move their frogs, clean the pond and fill it with water again. The player whose turn it is draws event cards and the frogs move. They have to stop at danger spots and try to roll the number and the solution for the danger. If the attempt is unsuccessful, a dry stone enters the pond, but the other players can help, forego their movement and roll the dice to remove the danger. Once at the pond, the players can now remove dry stones, always according to the number of frogs already present. If there are fewer than 15 dry stones in the pond at the end and there is no toxic waste in the pond, the players have won.

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