
Dark Agent (2015)

Rank: 22475
1-6 Players
20-40 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 3.33/5

Designer: Rudolf Feller

Artist: Delphine Delmas

Publisher: Space Reindeers

At the head of a secret service, you use your spy satellites (tokens of your color) to coordinate attacks on targets that you designate to your agents :
- Objectives (tiger), Sentinel (gray), enemies Agents (their color), or the Dark Agent (black), you win all their victory points when capturing them and place them in front of you;
- Equipment (object in a white disk), one shot, are taken over to be used and discarded later;
- Special actions (red with no points) Are resolved immediately and remain in place.

One or more of your agents can attack a target only if your satellites lets you see both agents and target.

When players have had them all, the number of captured aims agreed early in the game (2 to 5 on the 5 available), it ends. You can add the capture of the Dark Agent as a further condition endgame.

The player accumulating the most points wins. He adds the points of his agents still on the theater of operation. Also note that each time a player wins an aim, he takes the bonus +3 token to its previous owner.

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