
Corfù 1716 (2021)

Simulate the siege of Corfu in the Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War

Rank: --
2 Players
-- Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: --

Corfù 1716 is a wargame for two players simulating the last Venetian victory against the Ottoman Empire.

After the Morea War and the Passarowitz Peace (1699), with the Venetian reconquest of the Peloponnese area thanks to the great Doge Morosini, the Ottoman Empire seeks its revenge.
In 1715 the Empire is ready and with the Second Peloponnesian War, it recaptures, thanks to some fortunate events and the lack of competence of the Venetian Generals, all the Aegean islands and the whole Peloponnese.
Now the Ottoman Empire is ready to strike the Adriatic Sea, the Venetian Gulf itself.
Only the island and fortress of Corfù is guarding it.
It is defended by about 5000 soldiers, mostly German mercenaries, lead by Marshal Schulenberg, the Venetian Commander in Chief. 30000 ottoman soldiers tried to storm the fortress but after 20 days of heavy combats the Ottoman Army withdrew.
It would have been the last victory of the Serenissima, as it is called Venice. Antonio Vivaldi would have composed the oratory Juditha triunphans devicta Holofernis barbarie to celebrate this great victory.

In Corfù 1716 you will find 12 Venetian combat units, divided into 6 German Mercenary units, 3 Italian infantry units and 3 Ultramarine infantry and 20 Ottoman combat units, divided into 4 Janissaries units, 9 Kapikulu infantry and 7 auxiliary Serhaddkulu units representing the regiments and units employed during the siege.
There are two Morale chits for a total of 34 pieces, 2 d6s, a map, 9 Special Event Cards and the rules.

The map represents the area where the battle took place; it is used to register the orders and the consistency of the two armies.
The map is divided into Area, where to deploy the units and where the actions take place during the 20 turns.
There are the Combat Tables, with the result of the Combat and the Morale Track, which registers the Morale level of the two armies and the Turn Table.

—description from the publisher

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