Designer: Efim Nikolaevich Starostin, Sergei Grigorievich Ulanovich
Artist: Efim Nikolaevich Starostin, Sergei Grigorievich Ulanovich
Publisher: (Unknown), Moscow Toy Factory
Translated from the Russian language instructions:
This is Commander, the game which imitates the military activity of the early 19th century. Each player will be a commander, determining the strategic and tactical goals of his troops and realizing them through combat with his opponents.
This game will acquaint you with the glorious countries in the patriotic war of 1812, and with the tactics, organization and uniforms of the European armies in 1812-1814.
Before beginning, the players need to decide on their strategic goal. For example: defeat your opponent(s) through reducing his forces to irreplacable levels and seizing his fortified areas, depriving him of the chance to rebuild his forces; seizure or defense of the main citadel; occupying your opponent's territory, etc."