You are a cognizant cogineer trying to repair the broken cogtraption before the professor returns. The other cogineers all seem to think they have the superior cognition needed to rebuild the chromatic device. It’s time to prove you are the true cogineer genius!
Hurry! You recognise there isn’t much time to do this incognito before the professor returns with his cog-nac…
Cogineers are all swapping segments of the broken cogtraption to repair it. As long as the segment is different, cogineers gain cognition (game points) for doing so. When a mechanism is repaired fully it can no longer be modified by the other cogineers who all have their own agenda for repairs. There is bonus cognition and bonus turns to be awarded for clever repairs as well.
COGZ is a very simple game though it hides a huge amount of strategic depth which is normally discovered as cogineers gain experience. The best way to learn the game is to play the game. You can download the latest rules from the website ( and if you signup to the Newsletter you can also get the download link for the print and play version.
COGZ will be available primarily via the RAEZ Shop and your favourite retail store.