Designer: Paul Diekman, Chantal Kooreneef
Artist: Evelien Philippa
Publisher: Albi, Classico-game VOF, Noris Spiele
A trivia quiz game about classical music.
Players roll and move their pawn on a board with different colored squares. There are five colors, corresponding to five categories of questions (history of music, opera, instruments, man and music, recognizing music fragments). You must answer a question of the category corresponding to the color you land on. Your turn ends when you give a wrong answer.
For each category of question there is one special square on the board. When you answer correctly there, you earn a category token. The first player to win a token for each of the five categories wins the game.
The game comes with a board, 198 cards with questions, 2 CD's with music fragments, category tokens and a regular die. The player tokens are images of busts of famous composers.