
Cinderella Glass Slipper Game (2005)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
15 Min
Age: 4+
Complexity: 1.67/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Hasbro, Jumbo, Milton Bradley

From the box:
"Will you be the first Cinderella to go to the ball? Collect 5 different cards and the Fairy Godmother will help you transform your cards to get ready for the ball. If you collect the invitation, the coach, the horses, the footman & the coachman as well as your ball gown, you will be the Cinderella who goes to the ball!"

Players move Cinderella pieces around a board, in the center of which is a glass slipper on a cushion. Land on the fairy godmother squares, press the slipper and it may transform the humble cards you have collected (mice, pumpkin etc.) into the things you need for the ball.

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