Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Each player is a cowboy who rides the trail across the game board from Cheyenne's Corral to the Pony Express Station.
A spinner is used for movement. When a player reaches a space with a gun on it he must stop and "shoot" the adjacent Obstacle (cattle rustlers, rattle snakes etc.) To do this he takes the cardboard obstacle marker that matches the corresponding picture on the game board and faces it towards the orange "shoot" circle in the corner of the board. He then takes his plastic "gun" and places it over the edge of a "bullet" (a plastic disk.) By pulling the gun back he "shoots" the bullet across the board like a Tiddledy Wink. If he hits or knocks down the target he may continue down the trail.
The first player to reach the Pony Express Station wins.