
Chains to Champions (2013)

Rank: 16653
2-6 Players
40 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 2.50/5

Designer: Ryan Hauge, Amanda Taylor

Artist: Ryan Hauge

Publisher: BrickWarriors

Chains to Champions is a gladiator themed board game that consists of three phases. In phase one you purchase a gladiator at an auction, in phase two you equip your gladiator with weapons, helmets, armor, and training, and then in phase three all players fight to the death in the Arena. The last man standing wins!

From the back of the box: "Hurry, hurry! The auction is about to begin! There are many gladiators from which to choose. If you choose wisely, you could end up with riches beyond your wildest dreams. If you choose poorly, your gladiator may end up splattered on the sand of the arena. However, the strength behind the swing of his sword isn’t the only thing it takes to make your gladiator a champion. You’ll have access to the finest training and weapons that Rome has to offer before your gladiator is tossed into the arena for a merciless fight to arena in chains, but only one will emerge a champion.

Chains to Champions combines mathematical probability with human ingenuity to create a strategy game that is unique each time you play."

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