
C'escacs hexagonal chess

Rank: --
2 Players
120 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 4.00/5

Designer: Cesc Sasal i Lasaosa

Publisher: (Web published)

Hexagonal Glinski like grand chess of 169 hexes; setup quite similar to Glinski, but with different Pawn's moves rules.

Introduces Capablanca's pieces: a Dragon (Chancellor: Rook+Knight compound), two Pegasus (Cardinal or Princess: Bishop+Knight compound) and two Almogavar (Ferz + War Machine compound, moves 1 hex diagonally or jumps 2 hexes orthogonally).

Pawns move orthogonally on any of the three forward directions, and capture diagonally. Pawns have a 2 or 3 step initial move option, so en passant captures apply.

The Scornful pawn capture is a new rule that allows a Pawn to capture forward orthogonally (with 60° of straight forward) an other Pawn that in the previous move was placed in front of it and made a 60° forward move to avoid it.

Optionally Lion (Centaur: Prince also called Man or non royal King+Knight compound) can be introduced also.

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