
Centipede (1983)

Rank: 19836
2 Players
30 Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: 1.14/5

From the back of the box:
Enter the World of Centipede. A strange land of squirming centipedes, deadly scorpions, dangerous spiders, and poisonous mushrooms. Danger lurks at every turn as your centipede snakes through the winding mushroom field. Try to reach your opponent's home base before your opponent reaches yours. Shoot your opponent's centipede with your gun to slow it down. Move the scorpion to plant poisonous mushrooms along the path. When your centipede hits one it turns and takes a shortcut. Use the spider to attack your opponent's gun or to destroy poison mushrooms so your opponent can't use them. Move fast and shoot straight and you'll win the game.
Includes: gameboard, 2 plastic centipedes, 1 plastic spider, 1 plastic scorpion, 20 plastic mushrooms, 2 plastic guns, 10 cardboard poison mushrooms, 1 spinner, and instructions

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